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Christophe Salin is a producer, musician, mixer and gear enthusiast based in Lübeck (Germany). Together with his wife (Daria Salin), he has been running the electronic music label "Salin Records" since 2018, followed by the sub-label "Salin Deep" in 2021.

After listening to "Masters At Work - To Be In Love" in the late 90's/early 00's, Christophe immediately fell in love with house music - a love that will never die. Recording late night house music radio shows on cassette quickly led to the start of his record collection and his first experiences in the DJ booth. Making house edits and releasing white labels were his first steps into the world of production.

Being a gear enthusiast and running an ever-evolving studio, Christophe is constantly looking for new ways to create sounds while staying true to the roots of house music.

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